We get the opportunity to give some insights to “Visual Text Analytics for Technology and Innovation Management”, based on our core Trend Analytics technology Scitics, on the OpenRheinMain Conference. We want to give insights on how Visual Analytics techniques can be used to enable effective technology and innovation management on behalf of external/web data as well as internal/company data.
The OpenRheinMain (ORM 2019) is the 1st edition of an annual IT conference on open source and emerging digital technologies. This includes, but is not limited to, Open-Source, Intelligent Automation and DevOps, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things. The purpose of the conference is to interlink researchers and industrial partner of the Rhein Main region. Therefore, the conference considers stakeholders from both in an appropriate proportion. The conference will take place on September 13th, 2019 at Darmstadt University of Applied Science.
Due to heterogeneity of the event participants, the chances are high to strengthen the cooperation with local enterprises. We expect, that this will be relevant for further research actions to strengthen the local region.
The extended abstract of the presentation is available under: https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3408391
More information on the event website: https://www.openrheinmain.org