This year’s Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC) will take place with the support of scientists and members of our team. The 7th edition of the conference aims at young academics and is primarily organized and held by colleagues from Munster Technological University (Cork, Ireland). The conference will take place from 9-10 September 2021 as blended event in presence and online/virtual.

The CERC was held for the first time in 2010 by the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) and the Munster Technological University (Cork, Ireland) – previously named Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) – and was originally organized by lecturers from the IT department of these two institutions. The event, which takes place alternately every year at one of the partner universities, is deliberately interdisciplinary and the presented researches cover a wide range of topics – from bioinformatics to social history. This promotes the exchange of ideas between the specialist areas and thus the opportunity for new collaborations.

CERC 2021 has the goal of a broad research program. Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • eHealth
  • Natural Language Processing and its applications
  • Internet of Things, Networks and Robotics
  • Sensors and wireless temperature measurements
  • Data Computing and Artificial Intelligence
  • Business and Society
  • Visual Computing and Data Analytics
  • Cybersecurity and cybercrime
  • BioInformatics and BioMedicine

Accepted contributions will be published in digital proceedings with an ISSN number – it is intended that publications shall be submitted to CEUR-WS for online publication, indexed among other at DBLP, Scopus, Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar. Extended versions of the best papers may be published into an upcoming special issues of “Sensors” (ISSN 1424-8220, Impact Factor: 3.275) and “Methods and Protocols” (ISSN 2409-9279; CODEN: MPERC6) Journals.

If you have interesting research results, you are invited to submit your paper by June 3oth. Interested parties can also attend the conference without a submission. Please note the information on the website: